
  • ITEP Week #9: Al-Jahiz and His Idea on Education

    Photo credit This week, I am required to read Sebastian Günther’s article: “Be masters in that you teach and continue to learn: Medieval Muslim thinkers on educational theory.” Comparative Education Review 50, no. 3 (2006): 367-388. The reading will emphasize specifically on al-Jahiz’s view on education. Other colleagues read ideas of Ibn Sahnun, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina,…

  • ITEP Week #3: Contemporary Understanding on Faith Based Schools

    Respond in a short and concise position statement/thought to either Burtonwood or Hand on your position either supporting or challenging the need for faith-based schools. In other words, should we or should we not support faith-based schools? Feel free to use your own personal convictions, experience here.