A Learner Centered Approach to Munakahat

Can the learning of Fiqh being transformed from a teacher centered essentialism into a learner centered progressivism? I don’t have an immediate answer. But what I understand from the Sirah,


Patient with the Silence

Today, I had a chance to cover a class as a substitute teacher because she had a problem with her car on the way to the school. I didn’t prepare


To Welcome With the Spirit of Hijrah

What and where is the starting point? It was our first week. And that morning was my first session with both current and new students. “When seniors and juniors gather


Education: Jihad Against Zombification!”

“Do you guys know any Zombie movies?” I asked our students this morning. “Zombi Kampung Pisang!” one of the sisters replied. “Zombieland!” another one responded. And the list went on


Islamically, Mind Our Language

Photo credit to KMSS Media Unit A muslim speaks well. They choose good words to speak their mind and heart. To speak well is to be well educated and to


Teaching With Movies

This year, I will try to choose at least 10 movies for #KMSS students to watch. It will be good for their Social-Emotional Learning. Each month the school will emphasize